čtvrtek 24. prosince 2015


zase k problému JÁ: vizualizujeme si hmatové vjemy: když myslím o JÁ, mám hmatové vjemy mimických svalů, které si vizualizuji do "bramboroidu" hlavy, ze kterého se pomyslně dívám...věta JSEM nebo JÁ JSEM, JÁ EXISTUJI referuje na vlastní výskyt, na vlastní existenci, je v tom podobná větě MLUVÍM nebo JÁ MLUVÍM...je to autoreferenční věta: obsah/význam/smysl dané věty odkazuje k její fyzické realizaci, její konkrétní tělesné existenci, realitě v těle, kde vibruje, proudí s tělesných dýcháním...

západní filozofové, kteří měli asi osvícení, či trvalou duchovní/duševní/psychickou transformaci/změnu vědomí: Tomáš Akvinský na sklonku života a Pascal před tím, než napsal skvělé MYŠLENKY...

když se objeví negativní emoce, chceme ji odstranit, a to je problém...nechme ji být, zmizí sama rychleji...

inspirace od UG: jedině slovem JÁ se oddělíme od celku, od života, od světa...ve skutečnosti je to všechno jeden celek, není JÁ a TY a není vztah mezi nimi, je to jeden pohyb, není žádné venku a uvnitř

problém je v tom, že se chceme stát jinými (např. duchovnějšími, klidnějšími, méně myslícími, šťastnějšími) než jsme...díky tomu nejsme šťastní

UG: "any thought that is born out of that creates misery for you, because any thought that is born out of thought is destructive in its nature, because it is interested in protecting itself. Thought is a protective mechanism. It isolates you from the totality of nature"
každé myšlení je destruktivní, protože se snaží jen ochránit sebe, pokračovat, přežít, prosadit se....ničí přirozenou jednotu se světem a my myslíme, že dosáhneme jednoty se světem skrze ně, přitom jediným problémem je ono samo

reakce UG-ho na to, že se o něčem s novinářem baví/hovoří: dokonce i údajná skutečnost, že se o něčem bavíme, je dána "věděním", které nám bylo dáno....

UG: "we do not want the fear to come to an end, because the end of the fear is the end of the thought."

nechceme skončit se strachem, protože konec strachu je koncem myšlení, a myšlení je sebe-udržující se mechanismus, který chce trvalost, nesmrtelnost, kontinuitu, trvání, přežití, status quo, zachování

UG: tělo se nerodí a neumírá, protože tělo není oddělené od zbytku světa...není to nezávislá energie, existence, nemá žádnou vlastní přirozenost ani netvoří vlastní myšlenky, je to jen mechanický robot, re-aktor, re-agující na stimuly...dokonce není ani mezera mezi stimulem a odpovědí na něj, je to jeden pohyb, jedno dění, jedna energie...

myšlení ve své činnosti nechce ustat, je násilné

MISHLOVE: You seem to be saying -- if I can summarize your thoughts -- that we're trapped in the prison of our own thoughts, and this prison creates the illusion that we are separate, that we are not part of nature, and yet the prison itself is also an illusion.

U. G. KRISHNAMURTI: The prison also is created by the thought, and that is the reason why it is trying to get out of that trap it has created by itself. You know, there is a simile given in one of the scriptures in India. The dog picks up a bone, a dry bone, there is nothing there, and then it bites, and the bone hurts the gums, and the blood comes out of it. And the dog believes -- imagines, experiences, feels, whatever word you want to use -- that the blood which is coming out of its own gums is from the bone. So that is the kind of trap in which the whole structure of thinking is caught up, and tries all the time to get out of that, the trap it has created.


ani vězení myšlení a slov neexistuje, ale je vymyšleno samotným myšlením, je to iluze...myšlení je myšlením vytvořený pokus dostat se z pasti myšlení, která není pastí, ale jen nám to myšlení sugeruje...

pes najde suchou kost, na ní nic není, zraní si dáseň, krev vyteče na tu kost a on si myslí či představuje či cítí či je přesvědčen/věří či zakouší a má zkušenost, že ta krev pochází z kosti samé...ale je to jeho krev, kost byla suchá

celý rozhovor s inteligentním novinářem zde:


UG: For you I am alive and not dead, because you hear I am responding to your questions, I am answering to your questions. But there is nobody who is talking.

MISHLOVE: There's no you there.

KRISHNAMURTI: There is nobody who is talking, but there is only talking. This is like a tape recorder, you see, and you are playing with the tape recorder for your own reasons, and whatever comes out of that is what you want to hear from this tape recorder.

fungují mu skvěle smysly

You can never look at thought. The thought splits itself into two, and one thought or image looks at the other. Only when you step out of the whole structure built over millions of years, you can look at thought, but it has no content. Thought has been a part of the human consciousness right from the beginning. There is this expression in the Bible: In the beginning was the word and word as the flesh. Actually it means matter. Thought is matter and at the same time it is sound and this has been in existence through centuries.

The thinker has no existence; he is an artificially created, built-up thing.
When thought comes, there is a disturbance in awareness and , once you look at it, this very awareness destroys it. 
U.G.: You see, when you put the question, first I am in the state of not-knowing; I really don’t know what mind is. If the exploration of the question should begin, the thinker has to come in and the thought process develops.


je zde stav za myšlením, ve kterém se odehrává akce, život si je vědom sám sebe, něco si je vědomo něčeho jiného

However, this must be the base—the religious experience is not the thing—which is something beyond thought. The thought can never penetrate here. It is that state where the action takes place. But I have no way of knowing what is happening at that time. But there seems to be some kind of awareness—that is the difference between sleep and this state. Something is aware of something else. The Hindu religious thinkers say the immensity is aware of its own immensity, or that is aware of that. I would simply say life is aware of itself.

myšlenky jsou narušením vědomí, pohled vědomí je vyhladí myslitel je umělá konstrukce udržující kontinuitu myšlení myšlení nemá žádný obsah, je to hmota, zvuk, porucha vědomí (!!!) myšlení můžeme vidět správně až když vystoupíme z celé jeho struktury, což se UG-mu neznámo jak povedlo... UG: For you I am alive and not dead, because you hear I am responding to your questions, I am answering to your questions. But there is nobody who is talking. MISHLOVE: There's no you there. KRISHNAMURTI: There is nobody who is talking, but there is only talking. This is like a tape recorder, you see, and you are playing with the tape recorder for your own reasons, and whatever comes out of that is what you want to hear from this tape recorder. --------------- You can never look at thought. The thought splits itself into two, and one thought or image looks at the other. Only when you step out of the whole structure built over millions of years, you can look at thought, but it has no content. Thought has been a part of the human consciousness right from the beginning. There is this expression in the Bible: In the beginning was the word and word as the flesh. Actually it means matter. Thought is matter and at the same time it is sound and this has been in existence through centuries. The thinker has no existence; he is an artificially created, built-up thing. When thought comes, there is a disturbance in awareness and , once you look at it, this very awareness destroys it. U.G.: You see, when you put the question, first I am in the state of not-knowing; I really don’t know what mind is. If the exploration of the question should begin, the thinker has to come in and the thought process develops.

ani vězení myšlení a slov neexistuje, ale je vymyšleno samotným myšlením, je to iluze...myšlení je myšlením vytvořený pokus dostat se z pasti myšlení, která není pastí, ale jen nám to myšlení sugeruje...

pes najde suchou kost, na ní nic není, zraní si dáseň, krev vyteče na tu kost a on si myslí či představuje či cítí či je přesvědčen/věří či zakouší a má zkušenost, že ta krev pochází z kosti samé...ale je to jeho krev, kost byla suchá

celý rozhovor s inteligentním novinářem zde:


MISHLOVE: You seem to be saying -- if I can summarize your thoughts -- that we're trapped in the prison of our own thoughts, and this prison creates the illusion that we are separate, that we are not part of nature, and yet the prison itself is also an illusion.

U. G. KRISHNAMURTI: The prison also is created by the thought, and that is the reason why it is trying to get out of that trap it has created by itself. You know, there is a simile given in one of the scriptures in India. The dog picks up a bone, a dry bone, there is nothing there, and then it bites, and the bone hurts the gums, and the blood comes out of it. And the dog believes -- imagines, experiences, feels, whatever word you want to use -- that the blood which is coming out of its own gums is from the bone. So that is the kind of trap in which the whole structure of thinking is caught up, and tries all the time to get out of that, the trap it has created.


UG uznává reálnou existenci jednoho nekonečného kontinua hmoty, energie, času, prostoru, neuznává však nezávislou existenci těla, proto si myslí, že tělo neumírá ani se nerodí, je totiž součástí nekonečného univerza

What is there is a space-time-energy continuum, which is a continuum, but it has no end.


není zde žádná taková věc jako JÁ:

U.G.: To me, the "I" is a first person, singular pronoun. I discovered this when I was very young. Other than that, I do not think there is any such thing as "I", or "self", or all the words we use for this. There is no way you can separate yourself from this living organism, other than through the concepts or ideas that have been put into you. The only way you can separate yourself from whatever you call yourself – the "I", the "self" or the "Atman" – is only when you use knowledge. Otherwise, you have no way of separating yourself from what you call "you", "I". I do use "I", I do use "my" sometimes; "my" daughter when I introduce her, or "my" sister. But actually, I have no relationship whatsoever with my daughter or the person I am introducing as my friend. The only way I can separate myself and look at myself is when I use the knowledge about the "self", the "I", or the "Atman" or whatever it is. So that knowledge is put in here, in the computer, in the data bank or memory bank by culture or the society. Other than that, I don't think I have any idea as to who the hell am I, if I may use that word.

There is no inside and outside. The only way I can separate myself from you is through the knowledge I have about you.

So, there is no way I can separate myself from what is happening out there and what is happening inside. If there is no separateness from what you are looking at, there is no way you can tell yourself what is happening outside or what is happening inside. There is no inside and outside there. So, there is no way I can separate myself from what I am looking at, out there, or inside of me. I can say, "This is me", "This is not me", "I am happy", "I am unhappy", "I am greedy", "I am not greedy", "I am jealous", "I am not jealous." They have no meaning at all to me.

myslitel je umělou konstrukcí, která ovládá tělo, z UG-ho po osvícení definitivně odstraněn:

The thinker has no existence; he is an artificially created, built-up thing. He has taken possession of the body and has dominated for centuries… but somehow, here, he has been displaced. He is not there anymore.

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